What Forever and Ever and Eternity?
Just Close ur Eyes and Let it Free.

Just another girl...

The world is so big, yet so small.

Layout: vehemency
Icon: reruntherace

Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend

My Beautiful Mistake
Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 3:02 AM

If it's an obvious trap, why do I still jump in?
When it's just not right, it's honestly an evil sin.

When I see you, I cannot breathe.
When I hear you, I cannot leave.

My heart brightens and then darkens and brightens again for hope.
All this torture and delight and heart beat, I cannot cope.

I see the end of this never-ending race.
But I'll still run that sadness in my very own special pace.

Your beautiful smile, those glamorous tiger teeth.
Your laugh, your voice, however, doesn't belong to me.

The air you break when you run with the ball.
That dazzles me you know? Also stings my sore.

Your perfection, your attitude and your eyes.
How I wish my heart is made of ice.

I know, I already know, I can already see!!

That lucky girl, just isn't me.

how i wish ...ucudreadthis. Lily.

The Classical Verses.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 12:10 AM

Everyone has probably experienced some bother of repetition of some of their favourite verses they say. In chink, it's called a "口头禅".

Well, here's some of the classical verses of our group:

Amy: "P-P-P-P-P-P poker face P-P-P-P-P poker face"
LOL, If you were clever enough, you might've noticed that Amy has no rhythm XD
Especially if it sounds all the same when she sings "Love Game" too = =ll

Another verse of hers is : "Can this work?"
If you were ever "LUCKY" enough to be in a bus with her, you'll know why >=D *wink wink*

Julia: "There's nothing between us!" or "We're just friends."
Ohhh, my dear Julia, off course there's nothing between you guys =D =D
Heehee, you just noe you have to tease her about it =D
Omg, Julia you REALLY need to thank me for not mentioning a name =D
ILY Miss M... GG

Courtney: "Fu*k you."
Bahaaa, this is what she says when she gets owned =D=D
Especially by Lily >=] coz i'm pro. Well, Courtney says a lot of crap so iono what her real "口头禅" is.
GG Courtney, ILY too =D

Yen (aka. Butt Chin >=]): "Well, What do you expect?"
haahaa, let's just say there's a person named A and B.
A: "Oi B, you tripped over air man."
B: "Fu*k you" (sounds like Courtney >.>)
Yen: "Ohhh, It's B, what do you expect"
heehee, epic, just epic.

Lily: well, ii don't really have a classical verse coz i'm less sped (>.>) but ii do say something just for JULIA.
"ohh bby, That's what miracles are for~"
bahaa, this is the ultimate comeback for julia's classical verse >=D>=D

Heehee, it's always fun to be sped, if you think your normal, welcome to our group and we'll train you for free =D


Standing in her shoes.
Thursday, October 15, 2009, 6:01 AM

Maybe communication is the main cause of this mess we created.

We all have faults, but we all appologised.

Talking from Lily: its over reacting

Standing in her shoes: It was my fault that ii was too scared to attempt her. If it was C, she would've at least talked to me.

Maybe this is friendship, you just have to face so much obstacles. But without obstacles, friendship wouldn't be precious.

难道真的要失去了,才知道珍贵吗 (do u really have to lose it before u find it precious?)


Maybe we should all just quiet down nd think bout it. There's no right or wrong, ii dont want to end this friendship so, let's all try to mend it.

and Alice, thank you for believing me, nd also sorry if i dissapointed you.

I really dont want to risk our relationships anymore, if there's more obstacles, lets jump over it together =D

1:42 AM

This is my first post, but let's just not waste time and get to the main part.

It feels as if i will be losing a friend because of her failure to trust and understand.
I really want to ask someone.. "aren't trust the first ever step of friendship?"

It isn't like we will be hating you and ditching you when we just go to a place without you.
Perhaps think of the times that you have went somewhere else without us..

I, am a human. I understand feelings. Maybe.. It's just like a verse i have heard even since.. "How much you give is how much you recieve." If you put in too less, the outcome wouldn't be too much.. I thought it was something easy to understand.

I don't blame you.. Every person has their own different feelings, some may be so strong and positive, the other may be sensitive and unfaithful. No matter which one you are, I still believe that even if there are no trust between us anymore, I hope you can find someone who can admire your personality.

I just feel too dissapointed now, I just cant believe how you can just suddenly turn on us all of a sudden. Its just like a timer bomb, you never noe when it explodes. Why is it that we have to be so gentle on you and guess what, we even bought you something after we went because we CARE about you so much. Now thinking back, it feels as if a waste of time.

I'm just so dissapointed. I thought you were better.
